


10.5 x 14.8 cm
48 pages
Singer sewn binding

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." .

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dui velit, dignissim vel lorem sed, venenatis tincidunt lectus. Mauris a dolor eu turpis egestas tincidunt ut in sem. Etiam pretium pharetra semper. Nulla id malesuada metus. Nam placerat mollis sagittis.

All Yatsuhanbon are handmade by Mikey in Broadstairs, UK. You will find some imperfections. Lucky you. A life spent looking for the perfect Yatsuhanbon is a life well spent. Ask Mikey.

a. 'Yatsuhanbon' are '1/8th' the size of an A3 sheet of paper.
b. Cover: Seawhite of Brighton 290 gsm card in ten colours. Acid-free and FSC certified.
c. Text block and title strip: Seawhite of Brighton 100 gsm all-media cartridge paper. Acid-free and FSC certified.
d. Thread: Gutermann extra strong thread. 100% polyester. White.
e. Cut with a Dhale 842 stack cutter.
f. Bound with a Singer 4411 heavy duty sewing machine using a 14/90 needle.
g. Stuck with Yamato Nori starch paste. 100% tapioca starch and water. Acid-free and non-toxic.